TWAM; (Digital) Transformation

TWAM; (Digital) Transformation


May 31


15:30 - 16:45

Event Category:

Digital Transformation

Click to Register: https://www.eventbrite.nl/e/twam-digital-transformation-tickets-322635981907

Candidate-1st | Stephan Bosman

Website: https://www.eventbrite.nl/o/candidate-1st-stephan-bosman-44736175393
Our experts are daily helping organizations on their value.

Eelco Rustenburg – Blinklane
Dr. Rudy Snippe – Stocastic

TWAM is the World after Midnight. Suddenly you wake up and then the World is changed & evolved. Technology and Human Touch are the driving forces. With several topics we invite experts in the market with their reference cases on innovation and growth, how they build high performance teams and together we network. Be inspired and join

(Digital Transformation)

The World is getting more and more complex. The scarcity of Talent accelerates Technology.

The balance of Tech and (Human)Touch. What is the Future of Work in their opinion or is it the Future of Life?

Our experts are daily helping organizations on their value.

Eelco Rustenburg – Blinklane

Dr. Rudy Snippe – Stocastic

Candidate-1st helps candidates to reach their full potential.

We mentor, nurture and have programs for our high potentials to grow.

We focus on;

1. How to build your network

2. How to build high performance teams

3. How to grow/ innovate your organization

The principles of Candidate-1st are;

• inspire

• trust

• pass it on

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