
ChatGPT: Education’s enemy or friend?

ChatGPT Education's enemy or friend

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Open-AI unveiled the newest test of the inventive human intellect on November 30, 2022. ChatGPT is a communicative bot that responds to user questions in a way that enables it to search huge databases and produce well-structured essays, legal briefs, Shakespearean poetry, computer code, and song lyrics. ChatGPT is pretty simple, the smartest artificial intelligence Chatbot yet made available to the general public, according to New York Times.

When used properly, ChatGPT can be a fantastic tool for our children and a friend to the classrooms, not something to be afraid of. ChatGPT, however, is mostly regarded with awe and apprehension, much like the telephone. Students that need help evaluating vast amounts of information and spotting trends and patterns can use ChatGPT. Improved writing abilities: Students can create written summaries of their studies using ChatGPT, which can help them get better at writing. Some within the education field are concerned that without ChatGPT, kids won’t ever have to learn to write.

English professor Daniel Herman expressed concern in a piece for The Atlantic that ChatGPT spelled “The End of High School English.” Stephen Marche described the college essay to be “dead” in the same newspaper. Is ChatGPT the end of the trust, wondered Fortune Magazine. How long will the college essay last? In response to these worries, the New York City Department of Education took extreme action by barring access to ChatGPT on all departmental networks and devices on Jan 3, 2023. The decision was made, according to a department representative, because of “concerns about adverse effects on student learning, as well as concerns surrounding the safety as well as the accuracy of information.” She further queried the technology’s educational worth, saying that while it may be able to provide simple and quick answers to queries, it doesn’t foster the development of critical thinking as well as the capacity to fix problems, which are essential for success in school and throughout one’s lifetime.

The ramifications of ChatGPT are currently the subject of a lively discussion among opinion writers, researchers, and educators. There is growing agreement that professors and educators could fall for tricks. Meaning, ChatGPT would without a doubt pass the Turing test. Daniel Herman gives several examples of how the algorithm created workable college essays, manager cover letters for Starbucks, and even academic papers comparing two books. Alex Berezow, a microbiologist, found that ChatGPT was particularly good at responding to short-answer questions from a college-level microbiology test. Although, because of a few fundamental issues, it is still possible to tell that ChatGPT wrote the writings rather than a human author. The program’s high school English paper for Daniel Herman was uninformative and devoid of references. Some evaluations claim that the program lacks a convincing argument that ties the author as well as reader together and contains erroneous material.

The first author “Kathy” provided the bot with a challenging essay question that she has her Honors psychology students respond to in our test. It completed the job admirably. However, the essay the machine wrote was just a B- or C+. Why? The classic article in a field which needs to be cited is currently indistinguishable from any other essay that examines the same content, according to the bot. Additionally, the bot frequently makes repeated references to the same sites. These are problems that the following iteration can easily fix. The fact that the ChatGPT bot is more of a synthesizer than just a critical thinker is more important, though. It thrives at compare and contrast writings but finds it difficult to create and defend a unique topic.

One of the fundamental issues among many educational systems nowadays is that they place a higher priority on memorizing facts than on the ability to generalize knowledge to new contexts and come up with original solutions to problems. Memorizing facts soon become obsolete in a society where the amount of information that has existed since the start of time is said to quadruple every 12 hours.

How is CHATGPT able to produce knowledge transformers?

How can we effectively use ChatGPT to support our students in becoming knowledge transformers is the question at hand. A teacher, a writer, and an education professor all propose a comparison between ChatGPT and writing and the calculator for math. ChatGPT has the potential to become a crucial tool for writers who wish to improve both their critical thinking and communication abilities, similar to how calculators became a necessary tool for students in mathematics classrooms. How could this occur? Teachers are reacting with helpful strategies. In higher learning, we can freely permit our students for using ChatGPT for their classroom projects as well. They can even use the bot to create a first draught while in class. Once through the initial draught, students can learn how to improve their essays. Exactly this approach will be used by the first author when her class resumes after the holiday break.

Better and Deeper Learning

The use of this new technology is already familiar to our students. Even though the bot has just recently been released, they are probably more skilled than their instructors at structuring the queries and obtaining reliable responses from the bot. They need to understand why ChatGPT would receive a lesser grade than they could, at least for the time being. It is encouraging to observe how quickly teachers are adapting to this brand-new situation in the classrooms and appreciating ChatGPT’s educational potential for deeper, more involved learning.

If our educational system continues to “pursue rubric points but not knowledge,” ChatGPT will only become a danger. All educators must emulate their peers’ behavior. Our pupils won’t be ready for success in the classrooms or the jobs of tomorrow if we continue with the outdated educational approach in which teachers present information that is afterward summarized and repeated. We ought to let that model pass away quietly. When used properly, ChatGPT can be a fantastic tool for our children and a friend to the classrooms, rather than something to be feared.

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