

A Leader’s Framework for Decision Making

A Leader’s Framework for Decision Making

SUMMARY: Many executives are surprised when previously successful leadership approaches fail in new situations, but different contexts call for different kinds of responses. Before addressing a situation, leaders need to recognize which context governs it—and tailor their actions accordingly. Snowden and Boone have formed a new perspective on leadership and decision making that’s based on […]

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what leaders really do

What Leaders Really Do

They don’t make plans; they don’t solve problems; they don’t even organize people. What leaders really do is prepare organizations for change and help them cope as they struggle through it. Summary. Leadership is different from management, but not for the reasons most people think. Leadership isn’t mystical and mysterious. It has nothing to do

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Leader as coach

The Leader as Coach

Summary. In the face of rapid, disruptive change, companies are realizing that managers can’t be expected to have all the answers and that command-and-control leadership is no longer viable. As a result, many firms are moving toward a coaching model in which managers facilitate problem-solving and encourage employees’ development by asking questions and offering support

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The Best Leaders Have a Contagious Positive Energy

The Best Leaders Have a Contagious Positive Energy

The Importance of Positive Relational Energy
In our work, including interviews with thousands of leaders and employees, an upcoming book, and two decades of research on positive leadership, we’ve looked at people in terms of their networks of relationships: communities, organizations, and families. We’ve observed that certain relationships within those networks are extraordinarily life-enhancing and uplifting. The result is extraordinary performance. In particular, there’s usually one person at the center of these networks who’s responsible for most of the forward motion — not to mention well-being — of all the rest. We call them positive energizers.

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The Secret to Leading Organizational Change Is Empathy

The Secret to Leading Organizational Change Is Empathy

If you are a company leader hoping to undertake a successful organizational change, you need to make sure your team is onboard and motivated to help make it happen. The following strategies can you help you better understand your employees’ perspectives. Start by creating audience personas that map to key employee segments in your company. Then

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Why Compassion Is a Better Managerial Tactic than Toughness

Why Compassion Is a Better Managerial Tactic than Toughness

Stanford University neurosurgeon Dr. James Doty tells the story of performing surgery on a little boy’s brain tumor. In the middle of the procedure, the resident who is assisting him gets distracted and accidentally pierces a vein. With blood shedding everywhere, Doty is no longer able to see the delicate brain area he is working on. The boy’s life

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